Choosing a Domain Name
1. Introduction
When it comes to your domain name, the world is your oyster. There are hundreds of thousands of names you can pick from and an ever growing selection of extensions to choose from in order to become your new digital home address. However, just because it's easy to find one of these domain names doesn't mean that you don't have a big decision to make.
In fact, much like buying a home with the best address in town, your domain name is probably one of the biggest choices you have to make because picking the wrong domain name can be like buying the perfect house in the wrong zip code - a bad investment choice.
But don't get overly worried about this either. Finding a viable domain name, though important, isn't hard to do, but it does take some time and thought on your end. GoDaddy has long been an excellent provider and popular option, and NameCheap is the new kid on the block.
To get started, check to see if the domain name you want is available. If available, you can take a screenshot and submit that for the assignment. Again, please check with your instructor to be sure what exactly is needed for your actual assignment.
2. Reading
The reading is a PowerPoint that gives an overview of things to consider when choosing your domain name and business name.
This PowerPoint covers what to consider when choosing your domain name.
Domain Names BLU V3.r
3. Video
How to Choose Domain Names
This video covers the concepts included in the main discussion PPT.
4. Assignment
Check with your instructor to be sure of your exact assignment. In this assignment, you will identify a viable domain name, and email. The eBusiness courses are no longer setting up Domain names, instead they are identifying them, taking a screenshot of the potential domain name, and then submitting the screenshot (while not actually purchasing the domain name.)
Take the following steps to identify a domain name:
- Identify your viable domain name (at Google, GoDaddy, or NameCheap) by searching in the Domain Name Search bar. A "viable" domain name is one that is available. Take a screenshot of your viable domain name and submit this along with your proof of email for the assignment.
Next set up your Gmail email:
- You can create a Gmail account such as [email protected], where you replace "yourdomain" with your actual domain name. This is usually enough if you are testing out a business idea.
- You can alternatively choose to set up a GSuite Gmail account which is not free like Gmail but will allow customized Gmail names like [email protected] and [email protected]. This is typically used if you are no longer testing an idea but instead are moving toward growing your business and want a more professional look. This is a more complicated process and can often involve hiring a technical professional.
5. Summary
In this lesson, you did the following
- Identified a viable domain name following the guidelines provided for strategically choosing a domain name.
- Set up your business emails
- Submitted screenshots of these for your assignment.